mercredi 27 juillet 2011

Justice and democracy is the only way...

The Norwegian prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, says his country will "not be intimidated or threatened" by Friday's terror attacks, which left 76 people dead.
The country would "stand firm in defending our values" and the "open, tolerant and inclusive society", he said. "The Norwegian response to violence is more democracy, more openness and greater political participation.", The Guardian wrote... 
The Norwegians seem to understand that the only viable response to mass murder is not more violence, but more democracy...That is the antidote, and the only one, to violence.
Revenge, it must be said,  is the tool of the feeble and inarticulate...
In this post 9/11 world, only progress, justice and democracy can defeat the extremists, and certainly not military might...
If our values, which we endlessly proffer,  have any significance, then it is in times such as these that we must test them...and uphold them...
And yet, are we worthy of them? Hopefully so, or are the Anders Behring Breivik of this day and age correct to conclude that our present civilization is doomed and must be done away with?
It is in such crises that we must remain true to ourselves...
We can only prevail, for what do the nihilists have to offer?
Yet, shall we be brave enough, shall we have the necessary fortitude to remain who we are, no matter what the consequences?
We are in dire need of leadership...Perhaps, at last, shall we find some, not in Paris, Berlin, London or Washington, alas, but in  Oslo...
(the photograph above is by AFP)

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